Do Fish Eat Bugs? Fluval Bug Bites Are The Truth!
Okay, when you think of fish food, you may be picturing those little flakes or pellets you sprinkle into the tank. But in the wild, many fish rely on many food sources, including bugs! Fluval Bug Bites has taken care of that for you! The world is full of these critters — about 10 quintillion bugs are in the world. It’s no wonder fish in the wild consider these creepy crawlies as scrumptious snacks — they’re everywhere!
Yes, that’s right — many fish love to feast on insects, and it’s a natural, nutritious part of their diet. So, how do you bring these tiny critters into your fish’s diet? Why should you consider adding bugs to your fish’s diet? Which type of bugs can they eat?
If you’re buzzing with curiosity, continue reading.
Or just watch this video and find out how Kev from KaveMan Aquatics includes insects into his finned friends’ diets:
Do Fish Eat Bugs? Do Fish like Fluval Bug Bites?
Absolutely! In their natural habitats, many fish species regularly eat insects. Whether it’s a quick snack on a fly skimming the water’s surface or a hearty meal of mosquito larvae, bugs are on the menu for a wide range of fish. Here are a few species that drool over these tiny critters:
- Betta fish
- Guppies
- Cichlids
- Rainbowfish
- Killifish
- Barbs
- Tetras
- Siamese fighting fish
- Catfish such as Corydoras
- African cichlids
Even in the ocean, some fish, like certain species of wrasse, will eat bugs that get washed into the sea. It’s a tasty and protein-packed treat that helps them thrive. Saltwater fish that love the occasional insect snack include:
- Wrasse
- Butterflyfish
- Blennies
- Mandarinfish
- Clownfish
- Dottybacks
- Gobies
- Surgeonfish
- Angelfish
- Hawkfish
Why Insects Are Beneficial for Fish
Bugs can be tasty treats as part of your fish’s nutrition plan. Why? Here are the benefits:
- High in protein: Insects are rich in protein. And protein is essential for fish growth, muscle development, and energy.
- Nutrient-rich: Bugs contain various vitamins and minerals — including B vitamins, calcium, and iron — which help boost your fish’s immune system.
- Natural behavior stimulation: Hunting for insects can stimulate your fish’s natural instincts. Give them that mental and physical enrichment.
- Healthy fats: Many insects contain beneficial fats that support healthy skin and scales.
- Variety in diet: Adding bugs to your fish’s diet introduces variety to help keep mealtimes interesting.
- Digestibility: Insects are often easier for fish to digest compared to some processed fish foods. Better digestibility equals better nutrient absorption.
Types of Bugs Fish Can Eat
Not all bugs are created equal. Some insects are safe and nutritious, while others could be harmful. Here are some good options to consider.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Found in Fluval Bug Bites
These little guys are a fantastic choice! They’re nutrient-dense and high in protein and healthy fats to help promote healthy growth. Fish that love black soldier flies include:
- Cichlids like African Cichlids
- Barbs like Tiger barbs
- Catfish like Corydoras
- Rainbowfish like Boesemani rainbowfish
- Betta Fish
A crunchy treat that many larger fish enjoy. Crickets are a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. These fish love crickets:
- Cichlids like Oscar fish
- Large gouramis like Giant gourami
- Bass like Largemouth bass
- Catfish like Channel catfish
- Pufferfish like Freshwater pufferfish
These are a popular choice! Bloodworms are rich in protein, iron, and other essential nutrients. Plus, they’re easy to eat for fish with small mouths — like Discus fish! These fish enjoy eating bloodworms:
- Betta Fish
- Guppies
- Tetras like Neon tetras
- Barbs like Cherry barbs
- Cichlids like Jack Dempsey cichlid
Also, blackworms are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential minerals. They are highly digestible and provide a great nutritional boost for fish. Blackworms are the following fish’s favorite:
- Trout like Rainbow trout
- Guppies
- Killifish like Fundulopanchax
- Cichlids like Kribensis
- Rainbowfish like Neon rainbowfish
Hey, would you look at that — it’s another wormy option! Mealworms are high in protein and essential fatty acids. Fish that love mealworms include:
- Cichlids like Frontosas
- Catfish like Redtail catfish
- Gouramis like Blue gourami
- Pufferfish like Green Spotted puffer
- Barbs like Odessa barbs
Also known as water fleas, they’re another great option for small fish. They’re both high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These fish love water fleas:
- Small tetras like Ember tetras
- Guppies
- Betta fish
- Corydoras catfish
- Killifish like Aphyosemion
Mosquito Larvae
Lastly, mosquito larvae are a natural food source for many fish. They’re both high in protein and essential fatty acids. These fish enjoy snacking on mosquito larvae:
- Betta Fish
- Guppies
- Tetras like Cardinal tetras
- Killifish like Nothobranchius
- Barbs like Rosy barbs
Why You Should Try Fluval Bug Bites
Give your fish an easy way to get all the nutritional goodness of bugs with Fluval Big Bites. Packed with up to 40% Black Soldier Fly larvae, Bug Bites give high-quality protein and essential omega-3 and 6 fatty acids that help keep your fish’s skin, scales, and fins in top shape.

These larvae are known as the “superfood” of the insect world, providing a natural, nutrient-rich diet that fish love. They’re also easy on your tank — they’re easily digestible, which means less waste and cleaner water.
Plus, with different formats like crisps, flakes, and pellets, you can cater to your fish’s preferences. So go ahead, treat your aquatic buddies to a meal that’s as delicious as it is healthy:
- Fluval Bug Bites Cichlid Formula
- Fluval Bug Bites Goldfish Formula
- Fluval Bug Bites Betta Formula
- Fluval Bug Bites Pleco Formula
- Fluval Bug Bites Algae Crisps
Build Your Perfect Aquarium With Aquabuildr!
To take your fishkeeping to the next level, check out our new Aquabuildr app. This handy tool uses an intelligent algorithm to help you build the perfect aquarium setup — considering everything from pH levels to tank size and fish compatibility. Whether you want to design a custom tank or choose from pre-made starter options, Aquabuildr makes it easy and fun.
Aquabuildr is free on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store — ready and waiting to help you create your perfect saltwater tank.
Do Fish Eat Bugs? Fluval Bug Bites Are The Truth!
Okay, when you think of fish food, you may be…