Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — Lush green aquarium filled with plants

Top 10 Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums

Are you an African cichlid owner struggling to find the perfect plants for your aquarium? Perhaps you’ve faced the challenge of keeping plants intact amidst the digging and territorial behaviors of these vibrant fish. Fear not, because we have the ultimate solution for you! 

We’ve curated a list of the top plants for African cichlid aquariums. These plants not only survive but thrive in the unique conditions these fish prefer. Let’s dive in!

1. Amazon Sword (Echinodorus spp.)

Amazon Swords are popular because they are hardy. They can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them perfect for an African cichlid tank. 

Their large, broad leaves provide great hiding spots and shelter for your fish, which can help reduce aggression among cichlids. These plants also root deeply into the substrate. This helps them stay anchored despite the digging behavior typical of cichlids! 

Amazon Swords thrive in similar water parameters as African cichlids, preferring a slightly higher pH and harder water, which means they can grow well in the same conditions without much extra care. 

  • Type: Rooted plant*
  • Light Requirements: Moderate to high
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Characteristics: Large, broad leaves with extensive roots. Needs nutrient-rich substrate and may initially melt but recovers well. Can take over medium-sized aquariums.

* A plant that anchors itself in the substrate through its roots. 

2. Anubias

Anubias are almost indestructible, making them a top choice to grow for cichlid tanks

Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — Blooming Anubias aquarium plant with a Tetra in the back
Credit: voltan1

These plants have tough, leathery leaves that cichlids are unlikely to damage or eat. Anubias can be attached to rocks or driftwood, which is beneficial since cichlids tend to dig up plants rooted in the substrate. 

Their ability to thrive in various water conditions, including the higher pH and hardness preferred by African cichlids, makes Anubias a resilient and adaptable addition to your aquarium.

  • Type: Epiphyte*
  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Characteristics: Beginner-friendly, low light requirements, and comes in many sizes. Large species like Anubias barteri have thick, hardy leaves and sturdy rhizomes.

* A plant that grows on another plant for physical support but is not parasitic.

3. Bolbitis (Bolbitis heudelotii)

Bolbitis, also known as African Water Fern, is a fantastic plant for cichlid tanks due to its robust, fern-like structure. 

This plant is native to Africa, making it a natural fit for African cichlid aquariums. It can be anchored to rocks and driftwood to keep it safe from digging cichlids. Bolbitis prefers moderate light and can tolerate a range of water conditions, including the higher pH and hardness levels found in cichlid tanks. 

Its unique, lacy appearance adds aesthetic value and provides great hiding spots and surfaces for beneficial bacteria to grow.

  • Type: Epiphyte
  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Characteristics: Textured, vivid green leaves that thrive in high pH and GH water. Slow-growing but can develop into an impressive, large bush.

4. Cabomba (Cabomba spp.)

Cabomba is a beautiful, feathery plant that adds a lush, green backdrop to your aquarium. 

Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — Zoomed in photo of lush green aquarium plants with fluffy, feathery green leaves.

It’s a fast-growing plant, which can help outcompete algae for nutrients and improve water quality by absorbing excess nitrates. Although Cabomba is more delicate compared to other plants on this list, it can still be a good choice if your cichlids aren’t too aggressive with vegetation. 

It provides excellent cover for fish fry and smaller cichlids. However, make sure you have enough lighting and nutrient-rich water to support its rapid growth. And be prepared for occasional replanting if your cichlids uproot it.

  • Type: Stem plant* (can be floated)
  • Light Requirements: High
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Characteristics: Feathery appearance. Can grow quickly with high lighting. Note: Check legality in your area as it can be invasive.

* A plant that grows vertically from a central stem. 

5. Crinum calamistratum (African onion plant)

Crinum calamistratum, or the African Onion Plant, is another excellent option, especially because it originates from Africa, like your cichlids. 

It has long, wavy leaves that are tough and not easily damaged by fish. It grows slowly and prefers the higher pH and harder water conditions typical of cichlid tanks. Its unique, twisted leaves add a striking visual element to the aquarium and provide hiding places and shade for your fish. 

The African onion plant is also quite resistant to being uprooted due to its strong bulb and root system.

  • Type: Bulb plant*
  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Characteristics: Slow-growing with tough, crinkly leaves. Ideal for large aquariums and enjoys hard, alkaline water. Leaves can grow up to 4 feet long!

* A plant that stores its nutrients and energy in an underground bulb.

6. Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)

Hornwort is a versatile, fast-growing plant that can either float on the water’s surface or be anchored in the substrate. 

Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — Zoomed in photo of Hornwort plant under water
Credit: IL

It’s highly effective at improving water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and providing oxygen. Hornwort’s needle-like leaves can deter cichlids from nibbling on it, and its rapid growth helps outcompete algae. Its floating nature can provide shade and cover, which helps reduce stress for your fish

Since it doesn’t have roots, there’s no risk of it being uprooted by digging cichlids, making it a low-maintenance choice for your aquarium.

  • Type: Floating plant*
  • Light Requirements: Moderate to high
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Characteristics: Tough, needle-like leaves that grow rapidly. Resilient to nibbling. Needs sufficient nutrients to prevent shedding its fine needles.

* A plant that lives on the water’s surface, with its roots dangling freely in the water. 

7. Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)

Java Fern is a popular plant for cichlid tanks because of its hardy nature and ease of care. 

It has thick, tough leaves that are resistant to being eaten or damaged by fish. Java Fern can be attached to rocks or driftwood, preventing it from being uprooted by digging cichlids. It thrives in low to moderate light and can tolerate a range of water conditions, including the higher pH and hardness preferred by African cichlids. 

Its broad leaves provide excellent hiding spots and add a lush, green aesthetic to the tank.

  • Type: Epiphyte
  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Characteristics: Durable leaves, low light requirements, and easy to propagate. Common varieties include Windelov and narrow leaf java fern.

8. Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)

Java Moss is incredibly versatile and hardy. It can be attached to various surfaces like rocks, driftwood, or even the tank substrate. And you’ve guessed it — it gives plenty of hiding places and surfaces for beneficial bacteria. 

Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — Java Moss growing on a piece of driftwood

Java Moss can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and lighting levels, making it adaptable to the high pH and hardness of cichlid tanks. Its dense, bushy growth helps protect fish fry and reduce stress for adult fish. 

Java Moss also improves water quality by absorbing excess nutrients, helping to keep your aquarium balanced and healthy.

  • Type: Moss
  • Light Requirements: Low to moderate
  • Growth Rate: Slow
  • Characteristics: Hardy and slow-growing. Looks beautiful when attached to rocks and driftwood. Can be used to create a carpet or moss wall.

9. Vallisneria

Vallisneria, or “Vals,” is a strong plant that can thrive in African cichlid tanks. 

Its long, ribbon-like leaves can grow quite tall, giving vertical cover and a natural environment for your fish. Vallisneria is highly adaptable and can tolerate the higher pH and hardness levels typical of cichlid aquariums. It grows quickly and can propagate through runners, helping to create a dense, lush backdrop. 

This plant is less likely to be uprooted due to its strong root system, and its rapid growth helps outcompete algae.

  • Type: Rooted plant
  • Light Requirements: Moderate to high
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Characteristics: Grass-like, grows tall, and blocks sightlines to reduce aggression. Varieties include Vallisneria spiralis and Vallisneria americana.

10. Emergent Plants

Here’s something different. Emergent plants are unique additions to cichlid tanks because they grow partially submerged with their roots in the water and leaves above the surface. 

Plants for African Cichlid Aquariums — A small Pothos plant growing in a test tube filled with water
Credit: Eco Enter

Here are a few emergent plant options for you: 

  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
  • Mangroves (Rhizophora mangle)
  • Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum spp.)
  • Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

These plants help improve water quality by absorbing nitrates and other waste products. Pothos, in particular, is known for its vigorous growth and ability to thrive in various conditions. Lucky Bamboo adds an exotic touch and can tolerate high pH levels, while Mangroves are excellent for larger setups and provide extensive root structures for hiding and breeding. 

  • Type: Grows emersed
  • Light Requirements: Moderate
  • Growth Rate: Variable (depends on the plant species)
  • Characteristics: Leaves grow above water while roots absorb nutrients. Keeps foliage safe from cichlids. Can be placed in filters or plant baskets to keep roots protected.

Plant Your Way to Aquatic Bliss With Aquabuildr!

African cichlids have specific care requirements and adding plants to their aquarium can add a bit of complexity. We hope that this list gives you a few options you’re looking forward to adding to your aquarium! 

But wait, we can simplify it for you even further. Aquabuildr can be your ultimate sidekick! It’s like having a fish-keeping guru in your pocket, helping you match the right plants and fish, calculate tank sizes like a pro, and keep those pH levels just right. 

Download Aquabuildr for FREE on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store today and feel the power of smart fish-keeping!

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